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ISMASS workshop on ice sheet modelling across timescales

Home 9 Event 9 ISMASS workshop on ice sheet modelling across timescales
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ISMASS workshop on ice sheet modelling across timescales

Dear colleagues,

We kindly invite you to the ISMASS workshop on “ice sheet modelling across timescales” to be held as a part of the SCAR-INSTANT Conference in Trieste.

ISMASS workshop on ice sheet modelling across timescales

13 September 2023, 15:30h to 18:30h

The objective of this ISMASS workshop is to discuss strategies and design of ice sheet model simulations that span multiple timescales in past, present and future. How can simulations of the past be used as a reliable way to reduce uncertainty for the future? How to implement paleo ice sheet simulations in order to compare them with observations and with other models?

We recognise that there are ice sheet modelling approaches of different complexity, resolution and time scales of interest, as well as several possible ways to compare models and data. This workshop encourages discussion on how these different approaches can be combined, compared and co-operated to maximise knowledge gain and reduce uncertainties.

The following topics will be addressed.

– Methods for model-data comparison: Data assimilation, ensemble of simulations, parameter calibration, Bayesian inference, emulators. Can past evolution help understanding and quantifying processes such as grounding line retreat rate and others? How does data uncertainty propagate into projections?

– Strategies for simulations: How to overcome initialisation issues? Is it possible to transfer knowledge from a “paleo” model to a high resolution model designed (and limited) to simulate a few centuries in the future? How to manage the coupling/forcing with climate models? How to design simulations to constrain relevant processes?  Is it possible to define time slices during which all kinds of ice sheet models could be compared?

The workshop is organised around a number of invited talks (1:30h) that will spark the discussion (1:30h).

We invite participants of the INSTANT conference (preliminary program link to actively participate in the discussion to help answer the questions listed above. Participation in the workshop is free of charge for people registered for the INSTANT conference (Warning : deadline to register to the INSTANT meeting is on the 14th of July,

Please get in contact with Catherine Ritz ( by July 31st 2023, if you are interested in participating in the workshop. With your expression of interest, we would like to also ask you to send a specific question or topic you would like to see discussed (anything from one sentence to 300 words).

We have some funding available to cover travel costs for early career scientists (ECS) participating in the workshop. If you qualify as an ECS, you would like to apply for these funds and you are not already supported by another scheme, please let us know by email, also by July 31st 2023.

Looking forwards to an interesting workshop.

For the organising committee
Catherine Ritz, Heiko Goelzer, Frank Pattyn, Edvard Hanna

Expert Group on Ice Sheet Mass Balance and Sea Level (ISMASS)

Date 13 September 2023Time 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm Europe/LondonVenue SCAR-INSTANT Conference in TriesteCategory Symposia, Meetings and Workshops

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