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IGS Nordic Branch – Iceland 2019

Fosshótel Reykholt , Iceland

Unfortunately we do not have a report from this meeting in Iceland More information on the local website🡕. Poster size is flexible because we will be using the walls of the meeting room and the hallways of the meeting room building as the poster session venue, and thus quite free on the format. We would however […]

Northwest Glaciologists 2020

University of Montana - online via zoom MT, United States

We hope that you'll join us for the 2020 Northwest Glaciologists' Meeting, to be held October 14th-16th. Due to current events, this meeting will be held remotely. For more information, please visit If you plan to attend, we'd appreciate if you would fill out the form found at the bottom of the website. For […]

IGS British Branch – Virtual 2021

Online via Zoom

The meeting was originally scheduled to be held ‘in person’ at Liverpool in 2021 but once again we fell foul of the cursed Covid-19 pandemic hence we moved the meeting to Cyberspace via Zoom. It was hosted by the very able team from the University of Liverpool under the leadership of David Ashmore, Contacts: […]

Northwest Glaciologists 2021

Simon Fraser University - meeting held virtually via zoom British Columbia, Canada

The Annual Meeting of the Northwest Glaciologists is an informal gathering with no abstracts, no formal registration, and a strong history of student participation. The meeting will be held virtually again this year: 13-15 Oct 2021, Wednesday-Friday 14:00* PDT start Wednesday, 13:00 PDT start Thursday/Friday (PDT = UTC-7:00) If you are interested in attending, please […]

22nd Karthaus Summer School: Ice sheets and glaciers in the climate system

Karthaus (Northern Italy)

A course sponsored by: The Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University The Netherlands Earth System Science Centre &Trewitax – GlaciersAlive The International Glaciological Society (IGS) PROTECT (EU) The Netherlands Polar Program (NWO-NPP) Convenor: Carleen H. Tijm-Reijmer Karthaus Summer school website < >