A Special Annals of Glaciology Collection – Vanishing Glaciers

Breifonn, southern Norway, has over the past decades disintegrated into several smaller parts. Photo: Liss M. Andreassen, August 2024.
Vanishing glaciers – Call for Papers
In observance of the UN 2025 International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation, the IGS is publishing a special Annals of Glaciology Collection with the theme Vanishing Glaciers’.
The International Glaciological Society (IGS) will prepare a special issue of the Annals of Glaciology with the theme ‘Vanishing Glaciers’ in 2025. The papers will be published continuously online as part of Annals Volume 66 and will simultaneously be brought together in the special issue’s online thematic ‘collection’.
Associate Chief Editors:
Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir (University of Iceland)
Liss M. Andreassen (Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate)
Scientific editors:
Hrafnhildur Hannesdottir (Icelandic Meteorological Office)
Matthias Huss (ETH Zurich, Glamos Switzerland)
Lucas Ruiz (CONICET – Argentina)
Further SEs will be appointed as needed
Schedule for publication
- 1 January 2025 Paper submission opens
- 1 June 2025 Deadline for submitting a manuscript to this Annals of Glaciology
- Accepted papers will be published online and with DOI right after acceptance, and in final typeset form as soon as authors have returned their proofs and all corrections have been made
- This AnnalsOnline Collection is scheduled for publication in 2025 as part of Annals of Glaciology Volume 66
We have some confirmed and expected contributions and seek submissions, preferably
in the short Letter format, on the following topics:
- Follow-up the stories of the Global Glacier Casualty List
- Other vanishing glaciers that are already extinct or threatened to disappear soon
- Contributions that synthesize, give perspective, or model vanishing glaciers at local, regional, or global scales
- Regional and global inventories of extinct glaciers
- The consequences of vanishing glaciers for local peoples, ecology, glacier archaeology, and landscapes
Over the past decades global warming has resulted in thinning and retreat and disappearance of many glaciers across the world. This has cultural, economic and environmental importance to human communities. The United Nations has declared 2025 as the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation and starting from 2025, March 21 is recognized as the World Day of Glaciers. The purpose of the year and day is to raise global awareness about the critical role of glaciers. The Global Glacier Casualty List (https://glaciercasualtylist.rice.edu) launched in August 2024 exists to remember their names and tell their stories.
This Annals of Glaciology Online Collection (formerly Issue) will follow up the stories of the Global Glacier Casualty List and other vanishing glaciers that are already extinct or threatened to disappear soon. The aim is to write up the stories of extinct and vanishing glaciers primarily in the short Annals format (~5 pages 3-5 figures). This Annals of Glaciology Collection is not listed to an IGS symposium, but to the theme of vanishing glaciers and a tribute to the International Year of Glaciers’ preservation.
If you have questions about the suitability of your paper for this Annals issue, please contact the Associate Chief Editors for this issue, Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir (gua@hi.is) and
Liss M. Andreassen (lma@nve.no).
All Annals of Glaciology volumes and papers are Gold Open Access and available on https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/annals-of-glaciology
The Annals of Glaciology is listed on the ‘Web of Science’. The current (2023) journal impact factor is 2.5.
Please note the usual high standards of IGS publications apply, and authors are expected to contribute toward publication of the issue through article processing charges. For further details on article processing charges, as well as on waivers and discounts, please see https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/annals-of-glaciology/information/author-instructions/fees-and-pricing
For general information see Annals of Glaciology | IGS
For information on the preparation of manuscripts for submission, please see
Papers are to be submitted through: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/aog

Funeral ceremony of Ok-jökull glacier 18 August 2019. Professor Cymene Howe addressing the crowd, Andri Snær Magnason, author of plaque text, standing by. Photo by Oddur Sigurðsson.