Presenting author |
Abstract number |
Title |
Stefanie Arndt |
92A4006 |
Learning from local snow properties for large-scale Antarctic ice pack volume: The SNOWflake project |
Stefanie Arndt |
92A4007 |
Relevance of inherent snow property variability for the large-scale Antarctic sea ice mass budget |
Stefanie Arndt |
92A4009 |
Seasonal and interannual variability of landfast sea ice properties in Atka Bay and its relation to the adjacent ice shelf and ocean beneath |
Mareike Bach |
92A4152 |
DMSP production, primary productivity and community composition in new year sea ice in the Weddell Sea |
Martin Bathmann |
92A4125 |
SAR-based sea ice drift and Lagrangian tracking for evaluating sea ice drift forecast models |
Gerit Birnbaum |
92A4261 |
Airborne observations of melt pond characteristics in different Arctic sea ice regimes |
Guillaume Boutin |
92A4058 |
A coupled ice–ocean framework to investigate the impact of sea-ice deformation in the winter sea-ice mass balance in the Arctic |
Alice Bradley |
92A4177 |
Late summer sea ice extent primary driver of summer season coastal erosion rates in Arctic Alaska |
Bin Cheng |
92A4038 |
Temperature and salinity in the Bohai Sea, the lowest latitude ice-covered sea in the Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) domain: observation and modelling |
Sean Chua |
92A4196 |
Nilas: a Southern Ocean mapping platform |
Inge Deschepper |
92A4215 |
Sympagic compartment reveals the details of primary production dynamics at the scale of Hudson Bay: lessons for the present and insights into the near future |
Elise Droste |
92A4179 |
The role of sea ice in the interannual variability of sea-air CO2 flux along the West Antarctic Peninsula |
Léo Edel |
92A4131 |
Reconstruction of Arctic sea ice thickness (2000–10) based on a hybrid machine learning and data assimilation approach |
Andrew Einhorn |
92A4328 |
Using interferometry to classify landfast sea ice extent and stability along the outer Alaska continental shelf |
Christine Eis |
92A4037 |
Optimized routes for ship in-ice navigation based on sea ice classification and ice drift forecasts |
Laust Færch |
92A4142 |
Time-series analysis of SAR backscatter from icebergs at L-and C-band |
Emily R. Fedders |
92A4331 |
Two-dimensional thermal and dynamical strain in landfast sea ice from InSAR: results from a new analytical inverse method and field observations |
Henrik Fisser |
92A4154 |
Examining size estimates of small and medium icebergs in the Barents Sea, derived from Sentinel-1 data |
Annabel Flatland |
92A4340 |
Sea ice drift patterns in a changing Arctic environment |
Feba Francis |
92A4134 |
Linking winds with sea ice changes in the Southern Ocean over the past centuries |
Alexander Fraser |
92A4186 |
The Emperor’s Smooth Floes; or why Emperor penguins care about Antarctic fast ice roughness |
Alexander Fraser |
92A4184 |
Antarctic landfast sea ice: physical, biogeochemical and ecological significance |
Sebastian Gerland |
92A4224 |
Sea ice studies in a changing northern Barents Sea within the multidisciplinary Nansen Legacy project |
Jari Haapala |
92A4350 |
Anatomy of the MOSAiC sea ice deformation events |
Christian Haas |
92A4239 |
Sea-ice-thickness product intercomparison exercise: the ESA SIN’XS project |
Alexandra Jahn |
92A4100 |
Fundamental changes in the North Water Polynya are less likely if warming is limited to 2°C |
Alexandra Jahn |
92A4099 |
Projections of a summer ice-free Arctic: a review of current climate model projections |
Sylvie King |
92A4072 |
Evaluating ACCESS-OM2 zooplankton biomass estimates using empirical observations |
Sang-Moo Lee |
92A4141 |
Estimating summer sea ice thickness from satellite passive microwave measurements |
Johannes Lohse |
92A4029: |
Automated ice type mapping for navigational support of vessels in the Arctic: application and validation during the CIRFA-22 cruise |
Amy R. Macfarlane |
92A4178 |
Ocean-sourced snow on Arctic sea ice |
Lisa Matthes |
92A4149 |
Under-ice PAR levels during polar night recorded by autonomous profilers |
Sofia Muller |
92A4117 |
Melting–refreezing vs melting bags–equilibration method: an intercomparison for gases measurements in sea ice |
Einar Ólason |
92A4361 |
neXtSIM-DG – A next generation discontinuous Galerkin sea ice model |
Janina Osanen |
92A4057 |
Application of an underwater hyperspectral imager for the study of sea ice algal biomass distribution and production |
Dang Toai Phan |
92A4229 |
Fracturing ice floes by percussion in a granular model |
Daniel Price |
92A4422 |
Sea ice thickness in the western Ross Sea |
Ian Raphael |
92A4151 |
A simple method for estimating the effective thermal conductivity of snow on Arctic sea ice |
Jeff Ridley |
92A4162 |
Arctic sea ice decline in a global climate model results in water vapour, cloud, and boundary layer changes |
Jan Rohde |
92A4230 |
LoRa on Ice: live sea ice monitoring with open-source technology |
Axel Schweiger |
92A4111 |
Polynya events in the Wandel Sea |
Suman Singha |
92A4150 |
Simulated brightness temperatures of Arctic sea ice and comparisons with AMSR-2 observations at swath level |
Clément Soriot |
92A4221 |
Toward 30 years of sea ice thickness and sea ice volume estimation from passive microwave radiometer observations |
Catherine Taelman |
92A4244 |
Tracking individual sea ice floes using in-situ ice drift observations |
Kitrea Pacifica Takata-Glushkoff |
92A4225 |
Sivuqaq sea ice changes: regional remote sensing and local St Lawrence Island Yupik perspectives |
Ran Tao |
92A4270 |
Seasonality of spectral radiative fluxes and optical properties of Arctic sea ice |
Letizia Tedesco |
92A4320 |
Link, sink, and return: a new sympagic–pelagic–benthic configuration of the Biogeochemical Flux Model |
Anna Telegina |
92A4278 |
Prediction of sea ice conditions using Sentinel-1 imagery and sea ice drift forecast |
Takenobu Toyota |
92A4030 |
A study on the properties of granular ice from laboratory experiments |
Erica Turner |
92A4253 |
Thirteen years of CryoSat quality control: evolution and current status of the ice processors |
Martin Vancoppenolle |
92A4303 |
Insights on the role of cryospheric iron on Southern Ocean phytoplankton phenology from global ice–ocean model simulations |
Gaëlle Veyssière |
92A4234 |
Sea ice surface radiative fluxes from ground and airborne observations in the Weddell Sea |
Feiyue Wang |
92A4284 |
The Churchill Marine Observatory: a new hub for Arctic system studies< |
Melinda Webster |
92A4316 |
The effects of the Arctic oscillation on snow on sea ice in a warming Arctic |
Molly Wieringa |
92A4293 |
Bounded and categorized: data assimilation in a single-column sea-ice model |
Pat Wongpan |
92A4205 |
Helicopter-based ice-covered ocean observations capture broad ocean heat intrusions towards the Totten Ice Shelf |
Yongwu Xiu |
92A4084 |
Seasonal prediction of NorCPM in the regional Antarctic sea ice |
John Yackel |
92A4173 |
Snow depth on landfast sea ice in the Canadian Arctic from ICESat-2 and CryoSat-2 and SAR imagery |
Qinghua Yang |
92A4219 |
An ensemble-based data assimilation system for the Southern Ocean |
Lu Zhou |
92A4110 |
>Snow effects on Cryosat-2 waveform over sea ice in the Weddell Sea |