Presenting author |
Abstract number |
Title |
Signe Aaboe |
92A4153 |
A new structure for the sea ice essential climate variables of the global climate observing system |
Sabrina Allard |
92A4027 |
Calibrating the biogeochemical indicators of seasonal sea ice cover in the sedimentary archives of a subarctic harbour, Bay of Sept-Îles, Quebec, Canada |
David Babb |
92A4043 |
Using a new year-round sea ice thickness product to quantify the complete annual record of sea ice volume export through Fram Strait (2010/21) |
H. Jakob Belter |
92A4036 |
FastCast-2: optimized route suggestions for ships in polar regions using AI-based processing, Earth Observation data and model forecasts |
Jerome Bouffard |
92A4243 |
Sea ice thematic data products for CRISTAL: design, development and validation |
Jerome Bouffard |
92A4248 |
Polar thematic data products for CIMR: DESIGN, development and validation |
Camille Boulard |
92A4302 |
Advances in homogeneous time series of sea ice thickness and snow depth observed by altimetry |
Vaishali Chaudhary |
92A4337 |
Mapping landfast sea ice stability of Canadian Arctic communities using Sentinel-1 SAR between 2016 and 2023 |
Jui-Chun Freya Chen |
92A4300 |
Tracking summer Arctic sea-ice extent using microseism observation |
Bin Cheng |
92A4266 |
An extreme case of ice composition observed in an Arctic lake, a possible scenario for the Arctic land-fast sea ice in the future? |
Ruzica Dadic |
92A4356 |
Landfast sea ice monitoring in McMurdo Sound using snow profile temperatures and thermistor-string-based ice mass balance buoys |
Aura Diaz |
92A4282 |
Salinity, temperature, and δ18O: making sense of the record in sea ice |
Kyle Duncan |
92A4332 |
The seasonal evolution of sea ice deformation in the Arctic and Southern Oceans |
Daniel Feltham |
92A4114 |
Implementation of internal wave drag in the CICE model |
Alexander Fraser |
92A4186 |
The Emperor’s Smooth Floes; or why Emperor penguins care about Antarctic fast ice roughness |
Sebastian Gerland |
92A4367 |
CIRFA cruise 2022: a ship-based Arctic research expedition with focus on satellite remote sensing of floating ice |
Sebastian Gerland |
92A4220 |
Monitoring of landfast sea ice at Storfjorden, Svalbard |
Nils Hutter |
92A4203 |
MOSAiC airborne laser scanning of the sea-ice surface: a year round data product of high-resolution digital elevation models |
Arttu Jutila |
92A4181 |
Insights to seasonal sea-ice surface roughness evolution and variability using MOSAiC airborne laser scanning |
Larson Kaidel |
| In situ observations of the thermal expansion coefficient of sea ice |
Stefan Kern |
92A4252 |
Comparing ESA’s Sea_Ice_cci Nimbus-5 ESMR sea ice concentration product v1.0 with Landsat imagery: first results |
Satoshi Kimura |
92A4121 |
The freshening of the ocean by melt pond and deformation of sea ice from ice-tethered buoy/GPS observations |
Wiebke Margitta Kolbe |
92A4232 |
Sea and ice surface temperature CDR and trends using AVHRR thermal infrared satellite sensors 1982–22 |
Daniela Krampe |
92A4097 |
Challenges of dedicated snow modeling in high latitudes |
Johanna Länger |
92A4059 |
A model intercomparison provides new insights into carbon cycling in the Canadian Arctic Ocean |
Jack Landy |
92A4135 |
The bilateral INTERAAC (Air–Snow–Ice–Ocean Interactions Transforming Atlantic) Collaboration between Norway and China |
Gabriel Lapointe |
92A4304 |
Optical instrument for in situ measurement of the nutrients in sea ice |
Béatrice Lessard-Hamel |
92A4086: |
Engineering challenges in the development of an in situ microscopic imaging system for sea ice observation |
Changwei Liu |
92A4049 |
over the Arctic sea-ice surface during the MOSAiC expedition |
Nina Maaß |
92A4020 |
Comparison of snow height buoy measurements with 1-D snow cover simulations in the Weddell Sea |
Vigan Mensah |
92A4103 |
Trends in sea ice melt in the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay estimated from spring salinity profiles |
Mahdi Mohammadi-Aragh |
92A4353 |
Developing the Arctic Sea ice attribution system: the role of snow depth data assimilation |
Dmitrii Murashkin |
92A4291: |
Improved lead detection with Sentinel-1 SAR images in the Arctic |
Carmen Nab |
92A4042 |
Assimilation of CryoSat-2, Sentinel-3, ICESat-2 and SMOS sea ice thickness into an ice–ocean forecast model |
Connor Nelson |
92A4362 |
A single-satellite, combined active-passive microwave approach to deriving estimates of sea ice thickness |
Mara Neudert |
92A4156 |
Retrieval of sea ice porosity evolution during MOSAiC from multifrequency electromagnetic measurements |
Marcel Nicolaus |
92A4118 |
Year-round interdisciplinary observations of the under-ice environment using a remotely operated vehicle during the Arctic expeditions |
Marc Oggier |
92A4369 |
Colors of the Arctic – mapping the evolution of sea ice texture and stratigraphy from first-year to second-year ice |
Kay Ohshima |
92A4130 |
Late summer frazil ice formation with high chlorophyll off the Amery Ice Shelf and Cape Darnley |
Matteo Ottaviani |
92A4314 |
Correlations between sea ice and cloud properties over the Arctic from advanced radiation datasets |
Fanny Piras |
92A4296 |
A new time series of altimetric data from 1991–2012: benefits of the reprocessing of ERS-1, ERS-2 and ENVISAT missions for the sea-ice community |
Andreas Preußer |
92A4208 |
Improvement of MODIS-based winter sea-ice production estimates in Arctic polynyas by means of a model-based temperature adjustment scheme |
Andreas Preußer |
92A4207 |
Snow and ice thickness derived from sea ice mass balance buoys in the transpolar drift system |
Simon F. Reifenberg |
92A4107 |
Observations of summer ice melt and ice–ocean boundary layer heat fluxes in the marginal ice zone north of Fram Strait |
Maren Richter |
92A4092 |
Frazil ice in CTDs: effects on measurements of supercooling |
Robert Ricker |
92A4263 |
Measuring snow depth on sea ice using a drone-based snow radar |
Philip Rostosky |
92AA4046 |
Influence of warm air intrusions on satellite sea ice concentration climatologies |
Janna Rückert |
92A4227 |
Using a rotatable mirror for ship-based microwave radiometer measurements of surface emissivity |
Jozef Rusin |
92A4128 |
Sea ice concentration retrievals from microwave radiometry : a new algorithm for AMSR2 |
Monojit Saha |
92A4342 |
Retrieval of snow depth over Arctic sea ice and lake ice from Ku- and Ka-band polarimetric radar altimetry |
K. Andrea Scott |
92A4197 |
Sea ice concentration and uncertainty estimates using brightness temperatures and atmospheric variables with a Bayesian neural network |
Annelies Sticker |
92A4082 |
Arctic rapid sea ice loss events in model simulations |
Julienne Stroeve |
92A4027 |
Mapping potential timing of under-ice algal blooms from satellite |
Xiangshan Tian-Kunze |
92A4074 |
Triple collocation analysis of SMOS-derived sea-ice thickness products using MODIS, Ocean–Ice Model and ULS data |
Renate Treffeisen |
92A4236 |
Pooling resources to investigate and share information on sea ice: the Sea Ice Portal |
Michel Tsamados |
92A4180 |
High-resolution sea ice concentration budget analysis in the Arctic’s Last Ice Area |
Martin Vancoppenolle |
92A4309 |
Light under Arctic sea ice in observations and Earth system models |
Matthias Wietz |
92A4354 |
Sea-ice cover and polar water masses: implications for bacterial community dynamics, functional ecology and ice–seawater connectivity |
Kedong Zhang |
92A4166 |
A year-long mesocosm study of weathering processes of microplastics in the sea-ice and ocean environment |
Kedong Zhang |
92A4368 |
Future projection of ice-algal production in the Arctic Ocean: model intercomparison |